This is the section dedicated to finding out more on a subject which has always fascinated scholars and non scholars alike : Chinese Astrology. If you want to know more, Chinese Astrology offers you the right tools to improve your astrological culture!
The Chinese Zodiac goes back thousands of years but people don't always manage to get all the nuances of such an ancient discipline as the Chinese one. Did you know that the tradition of the Chinese Zodiac started in 2637, the year when the Emperor Huang introduced the first cycle of this Zodiac? Enjoy discovering Chinese Astrology!
Maybe you aren't aware that Chinese Astrology is one of the most ancient of all. According to legend, Chinese Astrology owes its origin to a very precise episode. Buddha, fearing his end on Earth, called together all the animals so they could say goodbye. Of these, only 12 turned up and these are the 12 animals which nowadays correspond to the 12 signs of Chinese Astrology. The Chinese lunar calendar represents the longest chronological document of History, starting in 2637, when the Emperor Huang Di introduced the first cycle of this Zodiac. Now that you know something more about Chinese Astrology, discover what your Chinese sign is! One of the 12 animals corresponds to each sign of the Zodiac. If you wish to know your Chinese Sign, click here!
Discover immediately all the new events and happenings of 2024 with Chinese Horoscope 2024! You could forecast every single action to avoid making mistakes in love, work and any other area! Chinese Horoscope 2024 wishes you a happy new year! Discover the forecast for your sign here! |
Daily Chinese Horoscope |
The Chinese Sign |
Chinese Zodiac Compatibility |
Did your day get off to a bad start? Don't despair! You don't want to be unprepared , do you? Read Today's Chinese Horoscope and let yourself be guided by Chinese wisdom in Love and Work. And if you are seeking advice, read your Horoscope from start to finish... |
All the secrets of your Chinese Sign are ready to be revealed. Discover the world of Ching Oracle and enter Chinese Sign! Choose yours and enjoy what you read! Chinese astrology is rarely wrong you too can try! |
What is the right sign for you? Read Chinese Zodiac compatibility and discover your ideal Chinese sign. Discovering the compatibility between Chinese signs has never been so easy with Ching Oracle! Experts are ready to reveal every secret to improve Chinese Zodiac compatibility! Discover immediately your Chinese Zodiac compatibility! |