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Calculate your Pa Kua Number
calculate your Pa Kua Number The Kua Number or Feng Shui Number, between 1 and 9, is the number which lets you single out the areas of your home which can bring you the most luck and with which you are in harmony. Finding out your Pa Kua Number and identifying the best areas for you, therefore is important! Finding the lucky corners will help you attract abundance and prosperity in the various fields of your life such as Love, Health and Success. What are you waiting for? Calculate your Pa Kua Number and discover immediately how to attract good luck!
How do you calculate your Pa Kua Number?

It’s very simple! First of all, you must know that your Pa Kua Number is based on your date of birth and sex. The Pa Kua Number, in fact, varies from man to woman and the procedure to calculate it is slightly different, but very easy. Once you have calculated your Kua Number, you will know exactly which corners of you house can attract luck in Love, Health or Work.

Calculate your number
Select your birth date:


Add the last two digits of your year of birth to obtain a number with a single digit. If from the first addition therefore you obtain a two digit number, add them again. To this, add Number 5. If from this addition you get a two digit number, add them.
The result will be your Feng Shui Number!

Date of birth: 26/08/1983 → 8+3=11 → 1+1=2 → 2+5=7
Your Pa Kua Number is 7


Add the last two digits of your year of birth to obtain a number with a single digit. If from the first addition therefore you obtain a two digit number, add them again. Subtract this from number 10.
The result will be your Pa Kua Number!

Date of birth: 28/02/1971 → 7+1=8 → 10 -8= 2
Your Pa Kua Number is 2


Here you can find out where your lucky corners are, that means those linked to your personal Pa Kua Number. Every Pa Kua Number, in fact, attracts different types of prosperity.


Kua Number Love Health Success
1 South East South East
2 South East South East
3 South East South North
4 East North South
5 Woman West South West North West
Man North West North East West
6 South West West North East
7 North East North West South West
8 West South West North West
9 North East South

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